
Showing posts from February, 2008
PUBLIC CASHUNT APRIL 12TH BOSTON The Ultimate scavenger hunt starts again for it's 8th season here in Boston. So we are hosting a public game on Saturday April 12th at 4pm. The game is 3hrs long and will consist of 5 different types of games/ hunts rolled into one. Each team must have a min. of four players. Cost is $25 per person. To register call 866-276-4733 for more info
GOING DIGITAL As mentioned before some games would be using digital cameras. Well I need to update that and mention that ALL games will now be digital. This comes from the recent announcement of Polaroid indicating that they are ending their instant picture department. So with that being said after 7 years of always using instant cameras we are now updating ourselves. The exciting thing about this change is that we have made the games even more creative and challengeing because of using this new tech. The new version will start when the 8th season offically starts March 1st.
Cashunt To Fight Autism.... We are very happy to announce that though all the plans are not yet set. We at Cashunt and another company that will be announced very soon will be working together to fight autism. It will be an event that will be taking part early this fall and will be taking part in Boston. We are very excited about this project because we believe this is our way of people having fun while helping to fight this disease. Registration and more information on this event will be coming soon. If you are a charity and would like us to help contribute our service for your cause please give us a call. thank you.
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A SPECIAL AMAZING COUPLE DASH NEXT WEEKEND!! We will be having in next weekend due to the valentines season a special Amazing Couples Dash!!! There are only six openings for the game starting in boston at 3pm and ending at 6pm. Reservations end this Tuesday. And the game is teams of 2. For more information please e-mail us at and a cashunt game coordinator will call you with more information. Thanks:)
3 New Games To Be Released In MARCH 2008!! Cashunt a Boston based scavenger hunt company is introducing 3 new games to their CASHUNT library in March 2008 Those games are: The BA' Dash! This game will be a comination of a bar hopping, treasure / scavenger hunting game that will include riddles and more involved in the game. The Game is Set In Boston. Perfect for a game amongst friends, bachelor and bachlorette parties and more! CASHUNT Uncensored! Is game that is another way to play Cashunt in a more challengeing and hysterical Way! The Bunny Dash! Is our game that is for our little Cashunters out there. It a little twist on the old egg hunt. This is a great game around the easter holiday! For more information on these games or any of our other Cashunt games call toll free 866-276-4733 or log onto
WEEKEND SALE! All Cashunt Home Games Are On Sale! Just for this weekend only!! just go to and log onto home games:) Have a nice weekend!
3 NEW CASHUNT GAMES TO BE ANNOUNCED! We will be annouceing 3 new games that will be added to the CASHUNT family. All three games will have a live version and a home version. We can not tell you what those games are because we are currently testing them out. But we will let you know in th coming weeks:)