Join My Facebook Page Just want to let you guys know that I have a facebook page that is for specifically old, new, and future cashunters. There I do rapid blasts about Special Cashunt Events, News, The Annual Championship, Discounts, And so Much More! So sign on up if you have a facebook account, and join in on the fun! Hit the link on the right or on this post :)
Showing posts from April, 2008
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Competition Creates Comedy I am just lovin' this years version of the bridal dash, especially with new additions to the game. I always say this to everybody that plays this game and that is that the ending is my favortie part of the game. The reason is after doing this for 8 years you think I have seen it all as to what these teams bring back...but honestly I haven't. Each team uses their improv abilities to there best ability and the return results are always hilarious! Some of the videos that they capture I have to watch them a couple of times because they are just too funny. So I guess the bottom line is that compettion creates comedy :)
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What a Wild Weekend! This past weekend is sure to go down as one of the wildest Cashunt weekends we ever had in the history of the game. We had 3 games all starting and ending one hour from one another, also it was marathon weekend, a huge pub crawl, and Bruins / Monteral playoff game. The energy was at full tilt and it was completely exciting to say the least. Sometimes when the atmosphere is wacky during a Cashunt game it make the game that more exciting! The contenders to this years
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Public Game Dates Are Released For Boston!! Cashunt as always provides monthly Public Mad Dashes in Boston for the Spring and Summer Months, and this year is no different. Below is general information in regards to the Dash and how to get your team together! The cost of the game is $25 a person min people on a team is 4 people max is 6. If you want a customized t-shirt with your team name on it will be an additional $15.00 The game will consist of 100 photo scavenger hunt 10 item treasure hunt Boston Trivia Bonus point Riddle Hunt Video Hunt and a boston theme hunt. We will provide the cameras , host, game, and prizes each team will receive their photos and videos on their own customized cd. That will be sent to them in one week. one per team. All games are on Saturdays or Sundays and start at 2pm and end at 4:30 at Fanuiel Hall in Boston. The games is played anywhere in the city of Boston We are only excepting 4 teams for this event....