Players that have played Cashunt this year you can make a little cash yourselves. This year we are offering a rewards program to those that have played any game of Cashunt this past year (2008). How it works is simple If you refer a person to us for a future game and they book with us, we will send you out a $10 check. It's pretty simple how it works, the potential customer would call us and provide us the person that refered them to us and the names of the teams that played the day of that person's game. So again we like giving back and as always saying thank you to all of our customers. This rewards program will be ongoing until noted otherwise. Thanks:)
Showing posts from September, 2008
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Introducing A New Game That Will Be Available Starting in 2009! The Wedding Party Race is one of 6 new games slated for the begining of 2009! This game is a great event to have with your wedding party prior to the actual wedding itself. It is a great icebreaker for the whole wedding party and also a great begining for future get togethers. The Wedding Party Race will involve 6 wacky, fun and competitive competitions in one mad cap race around the city of Boston. Plus you will recieve a cd/dvd of all the photos and videos from your event! New York, New Hampshire, and Chicago will see this race in Spring/Summer 2009. For more information call our office at 866-276-4733 and speak for more information on our latest addition. REMEMBER OF THE ONGOING PROMOTION ALL 2009 GAMES BOOKED PRIOR TO JANUARY 1, 2009 ARE DISCOUNTED!
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FIDELITY Takes The Top Spot Breaking Team Leigh Roy's 17 Week Streak! After dominating the top spot for 17 weeks Team Leigh Roy fell to the hands of Fidelity. Fidelity twice in a row in 2007 broke the season record and now in 2008 did it again. This group has always been very competitive with A LOT of energy, a no challenge seems to big. The winning team of the group "Team Quality" shown above beat six other teams, captured the win and captured the record. As always I tip my hat, and as always it was a pleasure.
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Manchester NH New CASHUNT City in 2009 We will be offereing Cashunt games in the beautiful and exciting city of Manchester New Hampshire in 2009. We will have one game in particular that wil be solely based on Manchester, but as always all our games can be cutomized to Manchesster as well. More information on Manchester games will be available in the upcoming months.
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2009 CASHUNT SEASON BOOKING DISCOUNT PROMOTION! We are almost gearing down to our final months of the 2008 Cashunt season and may I say the best year ever in the history of the game! As always this time of year we offer the public discounted rates for any cashunt game booked for 2009. The discount lasts until and only applies to anyone that books by 12.31.2008. We are still in this crazy and fantastic year of Cashunt but by the looks of it 2009 will only be better.
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Corporate Teambuilding Division is going to expand.... This week we decided to expand our sucessful teambuilding department to include far more exciting games for our corporate clients. Our mission is not to ever be typical but original and exciting, so with that being said these new games ontop of our current teambuilding games will bring our clients that. These games will be released for booking for early 2009 and will give that ultimate cashunt competition feeling to our clients having them wanting more. They will be different, challengeing, funny, and by no means a "mickey mouse cookie cut of someone elses game". Keep your eye out for more postings because those games will be avaialble very soon.
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Cashunting in a tropical storm?!?! Man, what a day first we have some sun today, then it is HOT as hell and now I am trapped in a store praying for Hanna to stop all this while there are 2 games going on?!?!? The good thing is that my teams do not mind it one bit, so in that case, it's not all that bad. Where is my umbrella?!?!
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A Small Family Breaks Into The Top 4! This week a small family by the name Panagopoulos broke into the top 4 by competeing in "The Great Family of The Year Competition" Not only did they recieve a very beautiful trophy but they also as of now are currently in the top 4. They had indicated they deligated which events to do to collect as many points as they could in a shorten amount of time. As you may know a cashunt is typically a 3 hr game...they did it in 2. So as of now they have the 4th spot, congrats Panagopoulos family.
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Great Test Game This Past Weekend! As you may or may not know there was an annoucement a couple of months back that one of our newest games for 2008 / 2009 was "The Family Of The Year Dash". This past weekend we did a couple of test games and they went fantastic and we think that this is another great addition tho the Cashunt Family of Games. The game comes in 2 versions, one as a family vs family competition that challenges each other in a 3 hour 7 game scavenger hunt and then there is the deluxe version which is awesome. That version consits on a 2 hr. 6 game scavenger hunt and 9 game back yard challenge which is really funny. Anyhow we think that there is no better competition than a family challengeing another family as family of the year and having a nice trophy to prove it. Check it out.