FINAL FOUR TEAMS FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP REVEALED! It is that time again and right now from the looks of it we have out four teams that will be pitted against each other at our annual championship on April 11,2010 those teams are: The GoGATtters vs. Mustachios vs. Sneaky Strays vs. Sunday River Divas Congrats to our final four!!!! Your Official Invite will be sent to you via e-mail in the coming weeks!!
Showing posts from 2009
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Season 10 is Looking Pretty Good.. This season (season 9) is weeks away from officially being completed and what a year it was! New records, new games, and one heck of a ride that proved that Season 9 was a huge success...but Season 10 is looking fantastic. As you might well be aware 2010 will be our 10th anniversay and what we have in store for our players is yet more new games and retweeking some of our popular titles making all our games "fresh and new". We have taken the liberty of asking old players about suggestions about our current games and inserting their thoughts into our 10th Season. Right now we can not officially release what those new games are but they will be revealed at the begining of the year that will also introduce and brand new website that currently looks fantastic. I hate to keep things secret or vague but at this point it's what makes it exciting.. more info coming soon!
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We are in the process of designing a completely "Green Game" for 2010. The game will be as "Green" as possible using recycled materials for our game packets , shirts, bags, papers, props, you name it. The other aspect of the game will be that the 2 hr game will have more of an enviromental theme on most aspects of the game while still holding true to our Cashunt foundation of 6 games in one. The other great aspect is that with each game a percentage will be going to an Massachusetts Enviromental / Green Non Profit Organization. We are going to be to be doing our research on which organization would work best, if there are any suggestions please feel free. This will official kick off our "Color Dashunts" which will also include our "Pink Dashunt" for Breast Cancer. More information when it's set for release.
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Championship To Be Pushed To April 2010 Due to the unexpected traffic that we have this ninth season of the game, we are booked right into the 1st week of December which is uncanny. The norm usually is that the season ends in October and then we have our annual Championship in November. But with the recent press and the fantastic response to the game our season is extended. Due to this we want every team to get a shot at the championship, but we can't obviously hold a championship in December due to the weather. So we came with a decision to hold the championship in April, because the weather is much better and the game we have planned for the championship "hide n' seek" is best played in better weather conditions. If we see this growing into a trend again next year, all our championships will be performed the following spring. The top 4 will be notified immediately after the season is done, so check the leader board and see where you currently rank. I know to so...
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Museum Hunts To Start In The Early Winter To Late Spring.. We have stalled on this game just to perfect it.. what we want to do is with this type of game is to give a great amount of game for your money, that seems to be the mission with our company. It will be different than the typical Cashunt game and some of the museum games that are there today It actually will be a completely different game in a whole..which will make it interesting for the players that play it. The museum's that will hold these games will be a few museums in Boston and the New York City area. The great thing about these games is that they will be great for all ages, the pricing is excellent, it will be educational as well as competitive. And yes the winning score will be ranked for our 10th championship in the Fall 2010. Museum Admission will be included in the price.. We will make our final annoucement in the coming month, these games will be public as well as private..
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New Prizes Set For Season 10 I just got back from the printer today to look at new designs we have come up with for new t-shirts for prizes next year. Now these are not the "run of the mill" t-shirts, they are fun, funky and a great t-shirt to wear out, plus they will be limited editions. There will only be 4 designs for the 2010 season but after looking at the new designs I am really pleased. The other question hovering over our heads is if there are games that only consist of two teams should the second place team get a prize? We are still trying to work out what that prize might be, but it has to be not as great as the first place team's prize obviously. Because if all the teams got an equal prize, then the post game competition level decreases...
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We Are About To Make Things Interesting For The Championship :) As some of you are clearly aware the Championship is slowly approaching and we can't wait!!! But this year we might throw in a little twist.. In a couple of weeks all winning teams will be contacted in regards to a new challenge to basically boost their score and possibly enter the final four. How this is going to work is that all winning teams will be given a clue as to where a "Golden Ticket" for a 1000 points is hidden. Once that clue is given out the first team to find it and photograph themselves with it will recieve and additional 1000 points to their current score ranking. What is exciting about this is that any team can sabotage a current top 4 contender or a top 4 contender can strengthen their lead with this additional 1000 points. In the end this will turn interesting and exciting! We will provide you with further infor in the next two weeks, past players check your e-mail during the first week of ...
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New Cashunter Gear Will Be Available in Two Weeks! We will be introducing our new products from out Cashunter Gear line... This year we are taking a different spin on our designs. What the new line is going to consist of funky, cool and casual designs for the gamer/scavenger hunt lover. We introduced this beta trial on these shirts and they sold very well, so with that in mind we are now going in that direction. Also all the designs will be on sale for a limited time so we can introduce new designs every 3 to 6 months. We do not want the online boutique to be cluttered so with that being said we will be going on a limited approach.
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CASHUNT PUBLIC BOSTON MAD DASH SCAVENGER HUNT! AUGUST 30th! The Cashunt Boston Public Mad Dash Scavenger Hunt will be held on August 30th @ 12 NOON. The game will begin at Goverment Center Plaza and end in Boston Common. The Boston Mad Dash consits of 6 different types of games/hunts that will keeping you guessing, laughing and competeing in this fun 3 hrs adventure! We allow only 7 people max to each team, also there will only be a maximum of 8 teams, once those teams are filled the game is sold out ,so act fast! The only thing we need from you is your team name by emailing us at and we do the rest! The winning team will be ranked on our website for possible qualification to our annual end of the year championship on November 8th. Game will take place shower or shine! If you want more information on any of our cashunt games go to ** There will prizes and each team will be sent a cd containing all th...
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MY BIG FAT GREEK CASHUNT?!? Cashunt Games in Athens, Greece?!?, well it might become a reality in the future. Our mission here is to go one step at a time when it comes to expansion of this game, so we are researching this possibility very closely. It would obviously not be an every week situation in Athens but it would be something that would happen maybe a couple of times during the summer. What we thought of and our disscussions with certain tour groups is to throw a different spin to the typical tour offering of Athens. By adding a Cashunt is Athens tour groups would not only be playing a fun, funny, and competitive game but they will also be going on an impromtu tour of athens. Also the group will recieve a cd containing all the photos and videos from their Cashunt: Athens event for free. We think this is a no brainer as this is does not exsist in Athens at all. The tickets will be very affordable for such an event....this event would start taking place as early as 2010 or...
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BRIDAL DASH GETS A LITTLE MORE DASHING! We are going to take our popular Bridal Dash and make it even little more challengeing. Now we do a little changing to our anchor games every year, but with the Bridal Dash we are going to customize it even more. As some of you might know that have played Bridal Dash there is a bonus round theme hunt based on the bride. We are going to tweek that a little and are going to add more to theme hunt by customizing other players into that bonus round. This is something we wanted to do in the 8th season but it was too late into the season, this updated round will appear in Bridal Dash booklets in the Fall. Bottom line we constantly want to keep the game challengeing at every level and have our players have the ultimate scavenger hunt experience!
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Hello Cashunters, I hope all of you had a great holiday weekend this past week. We are now in the half-way point of our current season of Cashunt and we are very pleased thus far. One question we get a lot of is "do you usually produce the game in certain cities?" The answer to that question is yes....we like to concentrate on one major city at a time. Our current Cashunt cities are Boston, New York City, Chicago, and Las Vegas.. By putting our total focus one city at a time we believe will give our players the ultimate product for our industry in that city. With that being said if a client calls from a "non-cashunt city" we will be more than happy to produce a game for them we have no problem with that of course. But by doing a "less is more" way of picking cities will make our product that much more successful, this was and is our philosophy from the begining. The next cashunt cities we are looking at.. is possibly Hollywood, San Fransisco and ...
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CHI-TOWN IS GETTING HOT! Chicago is becoming a hot and a great location for our Cashunt games! In Chicago we are now offering 4 of our top games: The Dash, The Amazing Chicago Dashunt, Bridal Dash and our Birthday Hunts. Our games take place in most of the key areas of Chicago The Loop, Millenium Park, Navy Pier, Grant Park, and Daley Plaza just to name a few.. I Think what sets us apart from other games in the industry is that our product offers a great deal of game for a very great price and also the game doesn't always end that day...there's more to it. We used the same blueprint in Chicago that we have always used in Boston that has made Boston a top city for Cashunt with our Boston clients and we continue to use the same blueprint in New York City and Las Vegas. Our philosophy is we do not want to be everywhere in th country Bam! all at once..we like to take it one major city at a time and really focus on that city. Chicago is one of the most beautiful cities in the count...
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One Team Breaks A Three Year Record Only For It To Be Broken Again! Ok..ok what is going on Cashunters!! Is it something in the water or what?! We have seen teams every week for the past 9 years and all of them young or old have had a competitive edge to them...but not like Season 9! This year most of the teams playing are really pushing the envelope to secure a spot in the finals in the Fall. A month ago we had the Mamma Jammas come in and play the game and wipe out a three year record that was held by Fidelity Investments, only to be broken this past week. Chris Damianakos our head game coordinator mentioned this past week the "Perfect Persians" team came in and right before the game even started vowed to be in the top four. To his surprise not only did they get into the top four but they wiped out the Mamma Jamma's record! Damianakos said that this is what the game is all about and this year's Championship is promising to be a battle for the crown. But Cas...
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WOW! WHAT A SEASON THUS FAR! TEAM BREAKS FIDELITY'S RECORD! Ok our reaction has not been that explosive as it is this year, but like I have mentioned before this is by far the best season of the last 9 years. Why you may ask? The teams have been fantastic and extremely competitive in the first quarter of this season! We have also seen the top four change completely 7 times and the Record for the highest score of all time was broken last week by the Mamma Jammas! Fidelity has owned that record for 3 years their score of 12,425 (an unbeatable score) was blown wide open by the Mamma Jammas with 12,800! With that score I think that will secure this team a position in the Championship, but then again the way this season has been going anything can happen!
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HUNT AND BE HUNTED BY OTHER TEAMS! Rememeber when you play a Cashunt no matter what version you are playing always expect the unexpected! When it comes to days where there are multiple games being conducted on the same day, we set teams from one game hunting for another. The beauty of this bonus round is that not only are players playing against their own group but they are playing against other teams from other games for contention for a spot in the finals. So with those two dynamics it causes a hysterical frenzy for teams hunting teams all around the city. For example this past saturday we has 5 different games 10 different teams all hunting one another unknowingly, it was a fun little test but the outcome was fantastic. So expect the unexpected when you play the game because you never know what we have up our sleeve...
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TOP 4 CHANGING ALMOST EVERY WEEK! In the 9 seasons of Cashunt I think this is the first time that the top four are changing a little more rapidly than in the past. Which tells us that the competition level to be placed in the final four has definately been raised. Usually when you are either in first or second place in the past that means you pretty much reached an untouchable score and is a given that you are in the finals at the end of the season, not so in Season 9. The top 2 spots have changed 3 times in the last 3 weeks, and that is truly amazing to see being that we are only 8 weeks into the season! We have much more game play coming up so just when you think you have a comfortable lead guess again , because it might get wiped away very soon..
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Twithunt Beta was a success! This past weekend we added a beta bonus round in our new Hide and Seek game in Boston. The beta bonus round was a round that was used with twitter. Both teams had to have at least one smart phone on their team, where in turn they would get special instructions to race around the city via twitter looking for bonus items that were planted The other attraction was people outside the game could in fact follow the game and also be a part of the game in some form. The end result was exciting and in turn the test was a success. The Twithunt Bonus round will be included in only some of our games this summer.. If you want it to be included in your game please indicate that with a game coordinator. See Ya! Chris
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Salem Ma will have Cashunts starting in June.. For the past 9 years we have always hosted our Cashunt: Haunted game series in September and October. But in the past couple of years we have been getting requests as to having cashunt games in Salem in the summer. With that being said as of June 1st we will be having games in Salem, Ma! Now for obvious reasons it will not be Cashunt: Haunted that has it's place in Salem in the Fall, but it will contain a couple of elements of that game in the summer game. The other great thing about the salem game is that it will be in classic cashunt form 6 games in one and will be 2 hours long. The cost for this game will be $30 per person for kid games it will be $20 per child. As always if you want it to be customized to your group not a problem.. If you have any further questions about Salem, Ma please call 866-276-4733 between 10am to 5pm and speak with a game coordinator..
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Twitter Cashunt and Follow The Action! Now you can follow all the fun of a Cashunt on Twitter! You can get last minute updates, twitter public hunts that are open for everybody where you can win prizes, news, and much more! We have added a fun addition to all our games where players can tweet their cashunt experiences during the game and share it with family and friends at home. It's just another way that we are making Cashunt more interactive and intimate. We will also be adding a tweet hunt bonus round on some games where the clues will be given through a twitter app. We are really excited about this new addition and we are sure our players will be too.. Follow Cashunt and Head Game Coordinator Chris
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Hide and Seek is now now avialable for bookings for the 2009 season. This game will also be the championship game for the Cashunt Championship IX, so we are pretty excited about that also. Hide and Seek as mentioned before will set teams on a wild hunt for envelopes, but each envelope will consist of special challenges or points. The special challenges we have in store are funny, creative , competitive and each game will be different each time.
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Hello Everyone! First of all thank you afor enjoying our podcast, thank you for the nice comments. It's been a couple of weeks since my last post, but we are heading into busy time again so it's getting try. So what I want to mention are a couple of things first is we are going to offer an incentive plan for past players. How this is going to work is if you are a past player of Cashunt and you refer a person to us you might get compensated. The person you refer would need to call us mention your name and the names of the teams that played in your game and if we book them, you get $25 sent to you! We tried this last year and it worked very well, and it was some free money to our past players. This promotion will start as of June 1, 2009.. The last thing I want to mention is of our last new game for 2009 "Hide and Seek"...This game will consisit of a bunch of strategically placed envelopes hidden around the city. Once your team reaches an envelope it will...
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I just wanted to mention about a website that is really a cool thing. Social Vibe is a website that has you promote your favorite charity (through facebook, myspace, website, etc)while being sponsored by a major Company(ie. Nike, Apple, etc) The program is free and there is also REWARDS! and there is not one orgainization / charity that is not on it. Let's do our part and get is too short. That website is just check it our and see if it's for you. Thanks
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Once again The Bridal Dash season of Cashunt has begun! The Bridal Dash has been one of our top games in the Cashunt family! So once again we as we always do we are offering our "Brides Play Free Promotion" which means if you have over 10 players the bride plays for FREE! We have been doing this every year, so why quit a good thing.
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Another Boston Mad Dash Is Coming! We will again be having another Boston Mad Dash this summer so get you partner and get prepared for a fun time! Again the Mad Dash is like an amazing race where teams have to race around the city and use their wits to get to the next point and eventually to the finish line. There will be prizes for the first , second, and third place teams. This event is truly one of our favorites and we do it only once a year, and the turn out is terriffic! So stay tuned as we will make an official annoucement on the date of the event and additional information.
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Vegas Dashunts Have Begun! Our popular scavenger hunt is available in Las Vegas! Now in our 9th year The Las Vegas Dashunt! offers 6 different competitions all in one amazing, fun, funny, and competitive hunt. In this multi game scavenger hunt competition teams will travel to Egypt, Hollywood, Venice, Paris, Rome and many more exciting areas on the world’s most famous strip! This game has been perfect for corporate team building and social events!
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Join Our Facebook Group Page! As you might or might not know Facebook is the leading social network site out there today. With that being said we have created a Cashunt Fan Group on Face book. There it shares new information, special offers, photos, video, comments, and much more. So if you like follow this link and join in on the fun for past and future Cashunt players a like!
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Giving Back Is Important... There is nothing better than giving back to the public, it's something I strongly believe in. Here at Cashunt we have our giving back program which gives back to a certain organization to help some people in need out. We have many organizations that have requested our services in order to help raise money for their cause. If you are planning a future event and are looking for something different to do for your organization, give us a call.
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We are booking College Games! We are now booking games that are specially customized for Colleges. The game is called "The Dorm Dash!" which the premise of the game is a 6 game Dorm vs. Dorm competition. We had a test game last fall to much success and is now avaialble for bookings for 2009. We are offerening a special student rate which is if you have over 15 people it will be $25 per player, and if it is under it is $35 per player. So if you want more information on this game and how we can customize to your group, call us a speak to a game coordinator for more information..
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Meet Your Season 9 Leaders A Score That Will Be Tough To Beat! It's only week two of Season 9 of Cashunt and we already have a team to beat...yup that's right. The Debuantes scored 11,050 points which not only is it a high score to begin with but almost broke the all time record that is being held by Fidelity Investments! They did so well that we actually might see this team at the end of the season. It's not to often you see 10's or in this case 11's in this game. Also, this was a four person team that did this in the dead of winter. One Word...Impressive. So we here at Cashunt tip our hats, and wish you the best of luck.. The rest of you try to knock them off :)
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If you are in business or going start a business there is no better book out there today other than "business stripped bare" by Sir Richard Branson. It so good that I read it twice and made a bunch of notes on this book.. Who is Sir Richard Branson you may ask well he is Mr. Virgin as in Virgin Atlantic, Superstores, Mobile, Cola, etc, etc, etc.... I can go on and on. It's just a great book and this is guy is a total rebel in business and that's why he stands right out! Pick it up today!!!
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The Secret Race is Ready ...Set... And A GO!!! We are proud to announce that The Secret Race is ready for bookings for 2009. A lot of people were curious as to what this game is like and we must say it has EVERYTHING!! We really took the time for this game to set itself apart from past games and give our players a new challenge. There will be a couple of aspects of the Cashunt tradition inside but this is a brand new cake all in itself. It will give players a competition that will amuse and challenge themselves at every moment in the game. It will also give them opportunities to sabotague the other team as well. We have incorporated a few new aspects to the game including tech, so it will keep them challenged along the way and our new "pit stop challenge". We welcome to call our visit the site for more information about this new and fun game. Great for any type of event and can be played in either Boston or New York City** **NYC is for corporate events until further notice..