Hello Everyone! First of all thank you afor enjoying our podcast, thank you for the nice comments. It's been a couple of weeks since my last post, but we are heading into busy time again so it's getting try. So what I want to mention are a couple of things first is we are going to offer an incentive plan for past players. How this is going to work is if you are a past player of Cashunt and you refer a person to us you might get compensated. The person you refer would need to call us mention your name and the names of the teams that played in your game and if we book them, you get $25 sent to you! We tried this last year and it worked very well, and it was some free money to our past players. This promotion will start as of June 1, 2009.. The last thing I want to mention is of our last new game for 2009 "Hide and Seek"...This game will consisit of a bunch of strategically placed envelopes hidden around the city. Once your team reaches an envelope it will...