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Showing posts from July, 2009
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New Cashunter Gear Will Be Available in Two Weeks! We will be introducing our new products from out Cashunter Gear line... This year we are taking a different spin on our designs. What the new line is going to consist of funky, cool and casual designs for the gamer/scavenger hunt lover. We introduced this beta trial on these shirts and they sold very well, so with that in mind we are now going in that direction. Also all the designs will be on sale for a limited time so we can introduce new designs every 3 to 6 months. We do not want the online boutique to be cluttered so with that being said we will be going on a limited approach.
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CASHUNT PUBLIC BOSTON MAD DASH SCAVENGER HUNT! AUGUST 30th! The Cashunt Boston Public Mad Dash Scavenger Hunt will be held on August 30th @ 12 NOON. The game will begin at Goverment Center Plaza and end in Boston Common. The Boston Mad Dash consits of 6 different types of games/hunts that will keeping you guessing, laughing and competeing in this fun 3 hrs adventure! We allow only 7 people max to each team, also there will only be a maximum of 8 teams, once those teams are filled the game is sold out ,so act fast! The only thing we need from you is your team name by emailing us at and we do the rest! The winning team will be ranked on our website for possible qualification to our annual end of the year championship on November 8th. Game will take place shower or shine! If you want more information on any of our cashunt games go to ** There will prizes and each team will be sent a cd containing all th...
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MY BIG FAT GREEK CASHUNT?!? Cashunt Games in Athens, Greece?!?, well it might become a reality in the future. Our mission here is to go one step at a time when it comes to expansion of this game, so we are researching this possibility very closely. It would obviously not be an every week situation in Athens but it would be something that would happen maybe a couple of times during the summer. What we thought of and our disscussions with certain tour groups is to throw a different spin to the typical tour offering of Athens. By adding a Cashunt is Athens tour groups would not only be playing a fun, funny, and competitive game but they will also be going on an impromtu tour of athens. Also the group will recieve a cd containing all the photos and videos from their Cashunt: Athens event for free. We think this is a no brainer as this is does not exsist in Athens at all. The tickets will be very affordable for such an event....this event would start taking place as early as 2010 or...
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BRIDAL DASH GETS A LITTLE MORE DASHING! We are going to take our popular Bridal Dash and make it even little more challengeing. Now we do a little changing to our anchor games every year, but with the Bridal Dash we are going to customize it even more. As some of you might know that have played Bridal Dash there is a bonus round theme hunt based on the bride. We are going to tweek that a little and are going to add more to theme hunt by customizing other players into that bonus round. This is something we wanted to do in the 8th season but it was too late into the season, this updated round will appear in Bridal Dash booklets in the Fall. Bottom line we constantly want to keep the game challengeing at every level and have our players have the ultimate scavenger hunt experience!
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Hello Cashunters, I hope all of you had a great holiday weekend this past week. We are now in the half-way point of our current season of Cashunt and we are very pleased thus far. One question we get a lot of is "do you usually produce the game in certain cities?" The answer to that question is yes....we like to concentrate on one major city at a time. Our current Cashunt cities are Boston, New York City, Chicago, and Las Vegas.. By putting our total focus one city at a time we believe will give our players the ultimate product for our industry in that city. With that being said if a client calls from a "non-cashunt city" we will be more than happy to produce a game for them we have no problem with that of course. But by doing a "less is more" way of picking cities will make our product that much more successful, this was and is our philosophy from the begining. The next cashunt cities we are looking at.. is possibly Hollywood, San Fransisco and ...