The Bachelor Dash Returns!

After retiring The Bachelor Dash a few years ago we decided to reinstate the game. The reason is pretty simple for 2 reasons one: The typical Bachelor party is becoming a thing of the past and people are looking for alternatives and two: we got a lot of calls last year if we have a bachelor version to the Bridal Dash. So after hosting several games for bachelors last year we figured why not reinstate the game all together. Naturally one of out anchor games "The Bridal Dash" always grabs attention and continues with it's own popularity year after year amongst the Bachlorette market but we have nothing for the guys. We never believed that there was a market out there so we decided to pull it but as of last year we were mistaken and we found out indeed there is market out there. So the Bachelor Dash will be the complete flip side of the Bridal Dash where the game will consist of 6 challenges customized around the groom. Bachelor D...