To Be On Reality TV or Not To Be...That Was The Question..
Hello Cashunters! The last 12 months have been amazing for the Cashunt product and interesting at the same time. The product has grown and we have also added 5 other Cashunt cities to our family which has been working very well. The other thing that happened that some of you might know from previous blogs of the possibilities of the Cashunt being transformed into a television product. With that said, in the past year we were approached by two major Hollywood production companies that wanted to take the Cashunt product and make it into a 6 episode reality format competition series. At first it sounded pretty exciting of Cashunt ending up on one of the (Big 4) networks but there were catches of course. For those of you that know anything about how the Hollywood machine works it's pretty simple "what your product is and how that translates to screen" is not a true representation of the product. So dec...