When you decide to make a “Switch”

Life is not a cemented thing where you must choose your position during your time here on the planet and stay put. You can move and make new decisions that will give you new journeys to experience. That is something a lot of people do not really understand that they have that freedom. For the most part it is based on fear.. of the unknown and what people will think of them. My advice…Screw What People Think! Just go do what you like and be happy, how hard is that?! Mind you I’m not saying drop what you are doing and go start a new life..do it gradually step by step until the transition is complete. Abrupt sudden moves do not really work out for the best. You need to be pre-pared and attack it head on but one step at a time. Quite honestly I constantly think of my next switch all of the time. I consider it to be the second chapter of my life. Second chapter you may say.. yep, I have always viewed life as two chapters. First chapter is the day you are born until you hit 49 years of ...