Utilize This Moment To Reinvent Your Business & Your Ideas....You Have the Time ;)
Utilize This Moment To Reinvent Your Business & Your Ideas....You Have the Time ;) With the unfortunate case of the current coronavirus pandemic, hopefully we are all following the rules, staying in and social distancing. With that said each day is painful because people are loosing their jobs, and businesses are closing their doors. With that said, what do we do..while we wait? First we need to do our part like previous mentioned and "follow the rules", protect our loved ones and our elders. Once we have that covered it's onto the next steps. I am sure at one point or another prior to the virus we all had an idea or two about a possible side hustle or a new a hobby of sorts, but never had the time to research it. Well..we certainly have the time now. Now I am not saying that you should spend the whole day on researching by watching youtube videos or listening to podcasts about this new interest you may have but devote an hour or two e...