
Showing posts from 2006
It's that time folks where we go out into the shopping jungle to get our loved ones gifts that we are sure that they will love during the holidays! We here at Cashunt also have also thrown in our holiday hat into the ring as an alternative holiday party to do with your family and friends. We have two cashunts Holiday Hijinks and our new Cashunt: New Years Dash that is our newer hunt and has been selling well since it's release this past november. We thought why not do something different before the clock strikes 12 and people seem to agree which is great. So from all of us here at Cashunt to all of you and your families have a fun happy healthy lucky and most of all loving holiday & new year! Happy Holidays!
Just want to make a small note my fellow Cashunters.. We just have put our own myspace listing. We thought about this for sometime and decided to do it. This myspace listing is for people that have either played cashunt and like to talk about it or post their cashunt photos, or for people that love scavenger/treasure hunts etc. So come by and take a look:) So hit this link go to cashunt myspace to go on the myspace cashunt site.
Really excited about our new way we will be distributing our home versions of cashunt ! As of October 1st, we did a protype service on this new project. How it is going to work is very simple, when a customer purchases any of the cashunt home versions the game will be sent to the customer in 24hrs or less in pdf form via e-mail. As of this blog the response has been awesome! I think personally that there is no better way than doing this digitally plus the customer avoids all shipping charges and everyone is happy! Now if someone wanted a home cashunt game via last minute we can arrange that we can have it to you in less than 6 to 12 hrs. Pretty cool... Check on or a list of games that are available for this service.
Well I am happy to say that as of this October we have made some exciting changes in the Cashunt Community. First of all we have made all our home version hunts digital. Which means if you purchase one of our home cashunts it will be sent to you via e-mail within 24hrs! That means No shipping charges and a speedy service! Secondly we are proud to annouce that Cashunt: Boston has alligned with the fun and zany food and bar establishment Dick's Last Resort to work together for the upcomming 2007 season! That will make the Live Boston Cashunts even more exciting with this latest team-up!
Summer 2006 has been by far the best Cashunt Season we have experienced! In our 7 years of gameing with Cashunt this year has prove to be the best of the 7. The success of our new additions to the Cashunt family and plus constant twists we keep putting in Cashunt, it always throws people for a loop, that is our promise, that is my comitment. Even though we slowly are approaching the end of Summer we are preparing for the Fall in Boston and starting once again October 1st in Salem, Ma Cashunt: Haunted. This year proves to be a more challengeing haunted game than years past. Reservation will start as of 9/1. Our home games are selling all over the country with people chooseing from our library of Cashunts and loving them! That brings a smile to our faces. Once again there will be a BIG game in the Fall as we did once before this past May. The location is disclosed and so is the date it is completely open to the public and is FREE. Without giving so much away it will consit of prizes and ...
I know it been some time now since my last post, but we were in the prep position for the new season! Well first I want to thank everyone who was involved in the Cashunt "Money Hunt" this past March it was really a wacky and fun promotion! We thought how fun would it be for the general public to be involved in a Cashunt and really not even know it. We are probably setting out sites on another big promo in the Fall but the location and time will probably be annouced sometime in late summer. Cashunt season official began it's 7th year on March 30th and so far the we are booked pretty well. Our new games have already got the attention via the public via Cashunt:Uncensored, so that always pleases us when we do see that. Our parent company Soiree will be doing a cashunt give away in the spring for their customers. Look out for that by logging on to . Right now guys I gotta go, but I promise I won't be gone for that long. -Chris
There is a big chill in the air here in Beantown, but we can't complain from the winter we have been having here the past few months. Right now we are prepareing out promotional route for the new 2006 season, so we have some surprises along the way. Our promo campaign will be appearing in local and national magazines hopefully by mid 2006 so keep a look out! Our new Cashunt Pics gallery is now up, we just think it's another way for cashunters to share their cashunt experiences with others. There are also 2 new Cashunts that were just released which are Cashunt: Prom Hunt and Cashunt: Greek which gives a Greek theme to the game. Now what is this big thing that is happening this March you may ask, which a few that have read the last blog ask me nowadays. I'm still mum on the subject as we are very close on finalizing the event, but all I can say is it will be online a month before the eventw hich will be mean you will see ads on it in February on the cashun...
Just want to say first of all happy 2006 everyone! I surely hope it is a happy, healthy, fun, peaceful, productive, and profitable new year! (whew! that is a long list but I mean it from the heart). With this new year my mind has been spinning as to what new directions Cashunt will take on, and the answers have come in pretty fast. I, as you might know or not know take in suggestions from past cashunters, and my ears are always open. So I decided to take Cashunt is a couple of different directions. One was something that struck me when I was in Las Vegas the summer of 2005 and I thought what a great way to incorporate Cashunt in Las Vegas. Now I know there are a couple of companies that offer scavenger hunts in Vegas, but not in the way I view how Cashunt would be played. We would include the majority of the venues in Vegas which would make much more game for anyone playing. But the best way is that Cashunt could be played at any casino in the world. Any how the game was developed in N...