Just want to make a small note my fellow Cashunters.. We just have put our own myspace listing. We thought about this for sometime and decided to do it. This myspace listing is for people that have either played cashunt and like to talk about it or post their cashunt photos, or for people that love scavenger/treasure hunts etc. So come by and take a look:) So hit this link go to cashunt myspace to go on the myspace cashunt site.
The personality of a "brand"
The key to business is quite frankly personality, without personality your business or your brand becomes dull to the public that you are trying to attract. Your brand has to be creative and if anything should have a story behind it. When you have a unique brand name it has to have some sort of connection to the service or the product that you are selling. There are people that are intrigued by the origin of certain businesses and how they got their name. If you are a start up business, this is a fantastic reference tool. You need ultimately to be in the public mindset, like I've always said nobody talks about "boring" they talk about cool and different. Joe's donuts, fantasy nails, and seashore computers just don't cut it. Take your time with it, there's no need to rush. Remember it has to have some sort of connection to you and the product or service that you are selling, selecting the wrong name can always be very expensive. Another ...
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