Memorial Day Weekend and 4th Games Coming Soon!!
In conjunction to my last blog...seasonal games or holiday games really have hit their mark as of late especially with families and for people wanting something different to do on a holiday weekend.  With the latest holiday day games one being the St.Patty's Day Dash and the just concluded Bunny Hunt we are seeing a new side direction.  In the upcoming months we will have 2 new holiday games available for the public.  Those games will be specially designed for the memorial day weekend and the other will be for the fourth of July.  Keep in mind that these games are not going to be month long games they will be specialty games that will be offered for one or two days.  If we see a surge of interest coming for these games similar to the recent holiday games that just past we will add another day.  We just see this as a great alternative and choice when you are chooseing your cashunt game :)


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