The Difference...
There are times that I might speak to a potential client and one of their top questions are..."What sets you apart from other companies that offer scavenger hunt competitions?" Great question! I can't tell you all how many times in 11 years I had to answer that question..and honestly I am never tired of it. The answer is pretty simple great price, great experience, and great promotions..with that said I think we stand above the other competitors because I don't think they would drop their price to offer the same thing. Most of our competition is double the price from what we offer, and 1/4 of what we offer Now we can clearly charge the amount our competitors do...but why should we? The old saying goes "if it's not broke..." We love to hear when people are inquiring about our games and ask "so everything that you mentioned is in one packaged game at that price?" Our answer..absolutely! At the end of the day it's about the client and giving them the ultimate experience at an affordable price with a professional look all around it. With all do respect to other companies that offer scavenger hunt competitions all the power to them, that have great businesses and they are doing very well. We on the other hand our doing our thing and our clients have been happy for the past 11 seasons..and that's all that matters :)
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