The story about our home games...

What's this whole thing about our new "home game" venture you may ask? Well the reason for it is quite simple..we can't be everywhere as much as we would like too (more to come on that ;) )so we decided to do something about it. What we did is we created a select amount games that were amongst the top cities that get requested for a Cashunt all the time (Philadelphia, Miami, Brooklyn, Hollywood and Washington DC) so until we offer games in those areas we decided to offer home versions of our games. Now obviously the home versions will be a scaled down versions of the typical live experience that most are used to, but they are very easy to host and are well constructed and customized for your event. In other words we have done all the work all you need to do is enjoy it and play! Also this week we have included 3 new home games that can be played anywhere (The Tween Dash, New Years Race, and The Turkey Dash) To take a peak at these new games just click the link..

Have a great one!


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