Showing posts from 2014
A brief collection of one of our favorite video challenges!
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Slow and Steady wins the Race
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We have had a wild ride for the past 24 months with expansion cities and being approached by two Hollywood producers to bring Cashunt to Television which has been a fantastic experience and surreal. As we approach our new season in 4 months we will be announcing two new cities for our 15th season. At that point we will be taking an intelligent break from new expansion and concentrate with the great cities that we currently have in our library. I believe it is a smart move rather than an overload. Sometimes businesses look for the golden ring quickly and let's call for what it is..%85 failure. As the old story of Tourtoise and the Hare goes....slow and steady wins the race, making the hare wonder how the Tourtoise always wins every race he challenged him to. So we have always taken that approach since Cashunt's inception and we will continue with that formula as we move forward. Not to say we won't listen to considerations, we will know when th...
Always seek out a mentor..and learn.
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When I was started out with this crazy idea that we call "Cashunt", I really tried to seek out as much research as I could about "games". I was really influenced and inspired by cultural aspects of, music, comics, classic games, noir, and theater and put them all together into one product. But sometimes that wasn't I seeked out a little guidance to make sure I was pointed to the right direction. So I seeked out people that inspired me in the past, that I would call unbiased and that I call my friends / mentors today. People like Patricia Manning my old marketing/advertising professor, Philip Sabratta my theater professor, and Angela Peri. Each one different from the other but each one being upfront and honest about the creative direction I was taking. These lessons they gave me hold true today and will continue to do so.. With that said if you are looking to make a "change" in yo...
Already Fall?
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So here we are already for the Fall, funny how the years go by so fast. But Fall is always a fun and exciting time for us here at Cashunt! First of which is this years version of The Haunted Dash taking place in Salem Ma this October for it's 13th season! This year we have added a little bit more to the game to make it even more challenging..but yes the "rats" are still in the game ;). The other thing that we are offering with The Haunted Dash only for the month of October is that if the whole group of players come to their game in costume we will give each and every player a discount of their ticket price! Hey your in Salem in the month of October, so let's all get in the spirit! The other thing we are changing is that we are taking out The Turkey Dash for the month of November and making all the city Dashes with a Fall theme instead. With that said if you are planning for a game on "Black Friday" this year we would suggest planning well ahead, Black Fr...
Summer Video Update with new Game Design and The Upcoming Salem Mad Dash!
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Cashunt Toronto being pushed back to 2015
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Hello Cashunters! Hope you are all enjoying your summer! Just want to make a quick update concerning Cashunt going to the great city of Toronto! As of now looking to host Cashunt games in Toronto in 2015 instead of Fall of 2014. The reason is simply because we want to continue to establish our presence in Charleston, Philadelphia, Chicago, and NYC before we tackle a new location. With that being said we see as 2015 as the perfect time to introduce Cashunt in the city of Toronto for our Season 15 line up. Stay tuned!
New Video Blog About The New Cashunt Cities and more!
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To Be On Reality TV or Not To Be...That Was The Question..
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Hello Cashunters! The last 12 months have been amazing for the Cashunt product and interesting at the same time. The product has grown and we have also added 5 other Cashunt cities to our family which has been working very well. The other thing that happened that some of you might know from previous blogs of the possibilities of the Cashunt being transformed into a television product. With that said, in the past year we were approached by two major Hollywood production companies that wanted to take the Cashunt product and make it into a 6 episode reality format competition series. At first it sounded pretty exciting of Cashunt ending up on one of the (Big 4) networks but there were catches of course. For those of you that know anything about how the Hollywood machine works it's pretty simple "what your product is and how that translates to screen" is not a true representation of the product. So dec...
ART and Secret Spinoffs?
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One of the things that has always been a huge factor in all of our Cashunt games is the ever changing challenges that we offer every year. Sometimes those challenges become pretty memorable so much so that a few years ago we created "spin off" games as expirament. Those games were The Gold Rush and The Secret Race, and really created another branch to our game family. Last year we debuted the Art Dash which did very well and really opened a lot of people/players eyes to all the cool public art the city of Boston offers. This year I decided to keep the Art Dash because of it's cool exposure to the city. We are also bringing back a very popular challenge and making it it's own game but we are just changing the game's title. So the game that was once called The Secret Race is now called Cashunt:Secrets which after completing the game design...I wish I could have played it! Art Dash is currently playing, we are hoping to debut Secrets in the summer. Shhhhhhhhh....
Press Play: Cashunt Toronto
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We are very close to partnering up with Tourguys in Toronto, Canada to start offering games it their fantastic city! This will be a totally different flavor of game and really concentrate just like our other locations of their beautiful and hip location. With the inclusion on New York City this season Tornoto is a great second location for this season. There might be a third location this year..but we can't talk about it right now because it's an avenue that is not officially decided. Right now the other cities that we are concentrating in bringing Cashunt for 2015 is Savannah, Ga and San Diego, Ca. After this really harsh New England Weather I'm thinking of warmer locations. Cashunt Toronto will hopefully start in late spring/early summer.
One more city to go...
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So as of a week ago we kicked off Cashunt NYC to rave reviews, which is pretty darn exciting! I have had my eye on NYC for years and just couldn't figure out how it would work. But now we have merged with some great partners Levy's Unique NY and the game design works very well..and I am very pleased. Now we are looking to one last city for 2014 and we were approached by a city that we find interesting. We can't talk about it until it's official but the exciting thing is it will be our first game outside the country. We have been very greatful for this growth but even more greatful with the very cool partners we have.. Stay Tuned :)
It's a good day at Cashunt!
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So we are in a transition that we are finishing up by moving to a new office and adding cool team members to our cashunt family. The other cool thing that is happening this weekend is our debut in NYC! This is one of those things I have been waiting for, for a looooooooong time...but we are here and I am stoked! We have great partners in NYC which are The Levy's of Levy's Unique New York..and I am sure will be bringing in a whole new dimension to the game in the big apple. The New York location will be divided and broken into separate games that members of the public can choose. The game that is debuting tomorrow (Cashunt's NYC Mad Dash) will take place in Little Italy, Chinatown, and the financial district. This version of the game will have a different start and end location because the way Manhattan is shaped (narrow) so the game will start in Little Italy and end at Bowling Green. The other games that will be available for New York soon will be the Mid Town area an...
Cashunt New York...but where in NYC?
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So we just made the announcement of having branched out to NYC, which we are stoked....but now comes the work.. But is it really work when you enjoy what your doing? We are going to start with one location in NYC, and slowly build from there. With that said, right now ny games will take place in Downtown. I was taken on a tour last week to observe the playing area and all I could see was so many options to making this version of Cashunt a really fun experience! When we mentioned NY to some people prior to our announcement...people were asking if it will take place in Time Square? The answer is no..for now. What we want to achieve with this version is to show our players a different view of New York City that is rarely advertised. That way you do indeed see the city in a different light and now collaborating with Levy's New York..the possibilities are endless. But the next city in the spectrum of NYC is....Brooklyn... I think that w...
Now we unlock the secret to these strange postings...
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As most of you know we love promotions and always try to get the public into our little zany world.. With that said, there has been a cool promotion going on for the past few weeks right under your noses. It's what we call the "pigeon case" about an "old heist" and some lost diamonds that have been missing until now. These "diamonds" are scattered around the city and now the clues are out there to guide you to them! Now you might be asking yourself why should I care? Well...that's a great question and now let us enlighten you.. Read the postings to the pigeon case on our facebook feed and twitter feed and it will give you clues to where these diamonds are. Once you figure out that location go there and search for the hidden diamond with a secret number to claim your prize. What are the prizes? Bruins and Celtics tickets, Cashunt gear, and a free Season 14 private game for 8 players .Keep in mind that th...
And the NEW Cashunt City is......
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Cashunt and Levy's Unique New York (That the Travel Channel named New York's wackiest tour guides) are now in partnership! We are proud and very excited to announce our newest city CASHUNT: NYC! This version has been in the works for months and has finally found the perfect fit with the Levy's! CASHUNT: NYC is going to bring a very exciting mixture of the Cashunt experience and the culture of NYC into a fun, exciting, competitive, and memorable game! Games will start running in March and will be a perfect fit for all private events from social to corporate games. The other exciting part of this partnership is there will be additional Cashunt games that are customized into popular New York spots such as Brooklyn, Midtown, Downtown in 2014 and 2015. For more information on CASHUNT: NYC call our office at 866-276-4733!
Some Cool Things We Can Talk About For Season 14
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Happy New Year Everybody!!! We hope you all enjoyed this past holiday season with your family and friends! It's amazing how the years fly by and here we are in 2014 already! We are taking a 2 week hiatus and then we are back to work as we officially enter the 14th season of CASHUNT! It feels like yesterday where we produced our first game and here we are over a thousand games! The first part of the agenda is to announce our new Cashunt City later this month..something we are very excited about and close to finalize. This new city will definitely bring a multi-flavored experience to the Cashunt product..and the possibilities are endless. We were thinking of a second Cashunt City later in the year...but we might just want to go one city at a time every year. Also this season as we will be introducing a new game book design (if you played Holiday Hijinks this past December you had a beta sneak peek ;) ) It's no secret that we change t...