Multi Level Marketing Too Risky Of A Business Model

    Just recently I was asked to attend a MLM (multi-level-marketing) get together to share my thoughts on a product my friend was about to sell. Now first, anyone that knows me knows how I simply hate that form of business because I find it as a "pushy" practice towards family and friends. In this case they were  trying to pitch a "video phone company" that I guess is going to get it's spotlight on an upcoming reality business show, which I think is great exposure for the product but my question is how are they going to beat the heavyweights..Verizon and ATT? (Hello...Skype? Facetime? Anyone) So with that being said when it comes to MLM's there is a ton of questionable businesses out there for you to start with. From "health drinks to video phones and everything in between".  Don't get me wrong a lot of people have done well, but it's not for everyone..

The world as we speak is in a fragile state with the looming conversation of another recession seem to be the subject from time to time.  With that said, you can't approach a family member or friend and ask them to contribute X amount of money to start a business. On top of that most of these businesses count on you to "recruit" more family and friends to start making money. So to be blunt to your family and friends you might as well say to them "would you like to start this business with me so I can start making money?!?" If you are going to involve yourself in a MLM business start with strangers and be honest with them about the process. It's better that way. If you involve family or friends in this endeavor you are setting yourself up for either praise or ridicule.

     Most magazine stands at booksellers under the business sections sell these types of MLM magazines that are disguised under "Start A Business From Home" "Success at Home", and a few others YOU SHOULD AVOID!. The magazines you should be picking up are "Entrepreneur", "Fast Company", and "INC" just to name a few. These magazines provide a relative and current view on the state of current business and what is coming around the corner. Plus the make for great reference guides..down the road.

In conclusion if you know someone that happens to be successful, ask them certain questions about what made them a success? Trust me they will tell you more than you think.  By the way they will be "flattered" and of course it will boost their ego (let's be honest now:) ) That's how I learn and continue to learn from these types and it has spawned a couple of mentors for me throughout the years that always turn to for the "tough" questions.

Bottom Line.. start a business from scratch no need to take the route of a  (MLM), because in the end the business you start from scratch is more rewarding!


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