Plan Your "Hooky Day" Out For Your Course Correction

Playing hooky is not really part of today's lexicon for sure..which shows you my age ;) However it basically means for those that do not know: taking a one day "break" from work.  Now is it something that is recommended by many people in the work force?  Of course not, as matter of fact its frowned upon.  But if you ask me I would recommend it (especially if you do not like your current work state)  and as a matter of fact I think it's healthy especially if it is used correctly.
      Many people that make those unannounced absences from work are really not taken advantage of, instead they use it to lounge around.  Now of course if you love what you are currently doing in your career, then more power to you and lounge away.  However if you are on the other side of that coin, take that time and make something out of it.  Start making moves for a course correction that will lead you to the right direction.
     Have you noticed a certain something that is happening in today's society that most people are pretty miserable in their current state?  I sit there and look at them and say  well.....what are you doing about it?   Which leads to an answer of "wha wha wha"..ugh! That is an example of a person that is so stuck in the mud that not even a crane could pull them out...and is not worth a single ounce of your time helping them out.  However,  there are many out there that are not like that and are excited on their next move on their personal chessboard.

     I don't care if it's a career move, side hustle, or a location change.  Take that time you decided to play hooky and start researching the crap out of what new direction you want to take and improve.  That way you continue to educate yourself as well as inspire yourself to make that strategic step  to plan your next move.  Now the amount of resources are never ending, from book stores to free youtube seminars / lectures to organizations like toastmasters, general assembly, etc. You have the world in you hands.  The last time I checked we only live once unless you think you are going to come back as a tree..which if that was to happen you would be pretty useless ;) Take advantage of your current situation now.
     There is a post that is scheduled in the coming weeks that is called "circles" which talks about the company you keep which in turn plays a major part in your course correction.   I won't go much into it, however it is essential that you understand your surroundings and who are within it.  If you feel that those in your circle, are bringing a bit of a "heavy cloud" well you need to look elsewhere and find like minded people that are involved in what you are trying to accomplish.  I am not saying to "dump" anyone I am just telling you to "refresh" your current social circles (if need be). It's pretty invigorating when that happens, and a weight seems to diminish from your shoulders. 

    So in conclusion plan out your hooky day correctly, more so prior to when you decide to take it.  Schedule it out and commit to what you want accomplish, by doing that you start to create a base, which will probably lead in to a hobby, which will probably lead into a career/life change.  But you will never know unless you pick one day to play hooky.


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